Barnyard Buzzards

Model Airplane Club

About US

The Barnyard Buzzards Model Airplane Club (BBMAC) is based in Monroe, Washington. The club is chartered with the Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA), club number #2953, allowing anyone who is an AMA member in good standing to become a club member of the Barnyard Buzzards. The majority of our current members are R/C fliers with a primary interest in sport flying. A number of our club members also participate in competitive events around the Washington area. Our club enjoys a relaxed atmosphere and genial companionship between members. Our main goal is to have fun and enjoy the challenge of building and flying radio control models.

The club meets at 6:30 PM on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at Alfy’s Pizza on Route 2, Monroe, WA.

Instructors are available to assist you in selecting, building and learning to fly model airplanes.  We also provide presentations about many Radio Control, model building and safety topics.  There is no charge for any of these services.  If you would like additional information about our training, presentations or club, come out to the club flying field, a club meeting, or contact our club secretary:

Mark Weeks
[email protected]