Buzzards Charity Donations

Each year the Buzzards hold a charity auction to raise funds to support a local charity. It is a small way we can give back to the community that supports us all.



Ron Swift Presents a $450.00 Check to the Sky Valley Food Bank


Vaughan Houger Presents a $600 Check to the Sky Valley Food Bank


Mark Weeks and Ron Swift Present a $700 Check to the Sky Valley Food Bank


Chet Blake and Ron Swift present a check for $500.00 to the Sky Valley Food Bank


Chet Blake and Ron Swift Present a $600 Check to the Sky Valley Food Bank


The Barnyard Buzzards donated $200 to the Sky Valley Food Bank


The Barnyard Buzzards donated $250 to the Sky Valley Food Bank


President Bryan Reightley presents BBMAC’s donation of $500
to Neil Watkins of Sky Valley Food Bank (Monroe Food Bank).


President Chet Blake (left) and Treasurer Rick Hanners (right)
present BBMAC’s donation of $500 to the Monroe, WA Food Bank


Presenting a check for $1,200 to Children’s Hospital are
Chet Blake, President (Center), and Rich Hanners, Treasurer, (Right).


Buzzards Charity organizer for 2008, Jim Reynolds (left), Jeff Honeycutt (VA Director) and Club President, Chet Blake (right) present the $1000.00 check to the VA. The VA sent a letter of thanks. We had lots of fun at the charity auction and the VA had a strong showing at our club Open House Event, at which check was given to the VA.  BBMAC also donated $1000.00 to HopeLink in DuVall and $1000.00 to Seattle’s Children’s Hospital Guild.


BBMAC Club member Dave Bell and BBMAC Treasurer Rick Hanners
present the 2007 donation of $1750 to Seattle Children’s Hospital.


Our First Charity Auction netted $1300.00 for Seattle’s Children’s Hospital Guild- President; Fred Hanquet (Left), Treasurer; Rich Hanners (2nd from left) and club member Dave Bell (3rd from left) present donation check. Thanks to all who participated.