Special Service Award

Michael Conniff

Michael has gone above and beyond helping keep the field in top shape and working on special projects. He was instrumental in getting the power to the clubhouse along with many other special projects. Thanks for all you extra efforts.

Brian Douma

Brian volunteered so many extra hours this past year, Helping get the waterline installed and power pole located. While Brian did not have a crawler at the time he had a vision as to what we could use the area where the barn was located for. He has done a fantastic job creating the new crawler area, as well as many other projects

Ron Swift

The club had a hard time coming up with a more deserving  award winner. Ron writes and prints the News-Letter each month and is our auctioneer for our Chairity auction.  Thanks Ron, well done!

Mark Weeks

When Hanners Field was first laid out the plan was for a covered area at both ends of the field. Mark took on the project of gathering materials and building the club-house that now provided year-round protection from the elements.

Jim Stewart

Jim donated a bunch of his time and his tractor/brush Hog to mow the outer field area. This makes retrieving a downed plane so much easier and safer. Thanks Jim

Bryan Reightly

Bryan and Jay have tag-teamed to keep the field in great shape. So much goes on behind the scenes to keep thing running smoothly

Jay Bell

Bryan and Jay have tag-teamed to keep the field in great shape. So much goes on behind the scenes to keep thing running smoothly

Mark Weeks

Mark took on the tasks to clear the brush east of the field and then brush hog the field and add the “Pallet road” and Bridge, to make things both safer and easier to walk. A ton of work but is sure has paid off

Brian and Len Douma

Brian and Len were instrumental in laying the drainage pipe to remove the water from the corner of the barn, Len donated his tractor and it sure looks great and the puddling should not be an issue again.

Jay Bell

Jay Bell has performed above and beyond during the last 3 years as Field Manager.  He maintained the old field and was instrumental in getting the new field plan and implementation.

Chet Blake

As President, Chet continued to work hard to keep our current field.  He wrote and presented a proposal to our landlord, who accepted, thus allowing us to stay at our field for awhile longer.

Chet Blake

As President, Chet guided the club forward keeping the club on track.  Chet led our effort to find another field.  His efforts and positive attitude helped keep the clubs spirits high

Ron Rueter

The award winner for 2008, Ron Rueter (left) receives the trophy from Fred Hanquet. Ron has been our field manager for the past few years and recently elected our new Vice President!. Thank you for all of your contributions to the community and the club!

Fred Hanquet

The award winner for 2007, Fred Hanquet (right) receives the trophy from Vince Bell. Fred has been the club president for the past 2 years. On top of that he has held the esteemed place as the master chef, Saturday breakfast club organizer, and cheerleader for all of us as we flew. The wall that fell on him at work would have stopped most of us dead in our tracks, but Fred continued to support the club and our projects as he recovers. Hurray, Fred! A well earned recognition for your contributions in 2007!

Vince Bell

The award winner for 2006, Vince Bell has been an instructor for the club for many years. At the field, he is always quietly volunteering to help other pilots with wringing out their models. As safety office, we have a good record and his insights help us keep it that way. Many thanks, Vince, for all you do!

Ron Swift

The award winner for 2005, Ron Swift (left), receives the trophy from club Vice President, Brian Richardson and the 2004 winner, Joe Goffin (center).
Ron served as the club president for the 3 years (2003-2005). Ron provided many presentations for the program during our club meetings. Ron edits our club newsletter, manages our web site, works as a flight instructor, and volunteered as the host of our scout pilot experience program. (Ron also managed to win 2nd place in most of the club competitions this year as well!)

Joe Goffin

The award winner for 2004, Joe Goffin (center), receives the certificate from club president, Ron Swift (right), and Secretary, Bob Martin, just before the January 2004 club meeting. Joe worked with many of the club members to help get the field in the shape we enjoy it today.

Rick Hanners

The award winner for 2003, Rick Hanners, receives the certificate from club president, Ron Swift, during the February 2004 club meeting. Rick created the new club Pilot Instruction and Training program and led four other instructors in the initial discussion and training.  He continues to do so even today. Rick has trained many club members over the years. Rick also contributed many reviews and building articles to the club newsletter and contributed in our club flying events, like the Cub Scout Outing. Rick has served the club in many capacities, including club secretary and newsletter editor for many years. He is the current club Treasurer for 2006

Rick is awarded the trophy from last years winner, Ron Swift

Ron Swift

The award winner for 2002 is Ron Swift. Ron moved to the area in June 2001 from Rochester, NY. He joined the Barnyard Buzzards after flying in our club Fun Fly event. He says he was especially impressed with the camaraderie of the club members and especially the help he received from Dick Ovrid and Rick Hanners during the event.
In 2002, Ron worked with many club activities that qualified our club as a Gold Leader Award winner from AMA for the first time. This is an award recognizing clubs for their level of community involvement as well as support of the hobby. Ron attending all the work sessions, club meetings, flying events, organized the scouting program and more. He is a Pilot Instructor and took on the responsibility for being the club Newsletter Editor and Webmaster. He continues in these roles today for the club.