Barnyard Buzzards

Model Airplane Club

2025 Truck Race Rules

2025 Barnyard Buzzards 1/10 scale Truck/Car series:

  • Promote safe and social interaction between BBMAC members and non-members
  • BBMAC promotes family-oriented racing. Unruly or unsportsmanlike conduct will therefore not be tolerated.
  • Allow for ‘racers’ to improve their driving skills
  • Allow for ‘racers’ to increase their technical / electronic skills

 Participation Requirements:

  • AMA membership
  • BBMAC members in good standing may participate at no additional cost
  • All Drivers will drive in such a way to not damage other drivers cars.  This includes unsportsmanlike driving, intentional hitting of other vehicles, intentional short coursing, intentional corner cutting, intentional blocking when being overtaken, and other such acts.
  • A black flag will be given to a driver whose driving, vehicle operation, or performance constitutes a hazard to the other vehicles in the race.
    • 1st Black Flag (Per Event) is a verbal warning
    • 2nd Black flag the driver will receive zero points and may not participate in the next heat. Further occurrences may result in disqualification for the next event or season.

Equipment Specification:

Each racer shall have a timing transponder installed in their truck/car. Transponders must work with “Trackmate” software.

• Any 1/10 scale or smaller “short course” car or truck is allowed to participate.

Unless otherwise specified in the class requirements, a maximum of a 2s / 7.4v LiPo battery is permitted in any vehicle motor power pack used in ROAR- sanctioned competition. Nicad equivalent batteries are permitted.

• Multi-channel transmitter and multi-channel receiver are required

• Brushed or Brushless motors are allowed:

• Rubber compound tires are required, lug design is at drivers discretion.

• For each race day, ‘racers’ will be divided into groups / heats of not more than 3 – 6 racers per heat

• Each racer will participate in a minimum 4 heats • Each heat will consist of 4 to 10 laps

• Racers will race around the course in a clockwise or counterclockwise direction as directed by the contest director of the day

• The course will consist of dirt track with or without jumps that racers must use as directed by the CD.

• Racers may switch cars at their discretion as along as the conform to the equipment rules for the specific heat Race Process:

There will be a time trial / qualifying period of 1 hour before the events start.

Qualifying period will be from 11:00 to 12:00. It will be used to determine heats and starting positions. No more that 4 cars per trial, unless all participants of that event agree. If you miss the qualifying period you will automatically place in group “C”.

There will be a drivers meeting ½ hour before the start of the 1st heat.  1st heat will promptly start at 12:00pm.

15 minutes between heats.  When it is your turn to run you must be on drivers stand ready to start.  Race will start when time is called. 

• At the start of each heat the Cd will talk with all drivers and explain any changes from the previous heat, directions, jumps, etc. Racers for current heat will be notified 5 minutes before race heat start. Racers should move to the Racer Station and confirm they are ready to start

  • A five minute pre-race warning will be announced to Heat Racers
  • All heat racers must have their cars in their starting position.
  • While Group 1 in racing  group 3 will work track, group 2 will be getting ready for their heat.   Completion of group 1 they will work track while group 2 drives.
  • Cars must be placed as close to the place they left the track.
  • If needed we will now have 3 groups.   Placement determined by initial qualifying times.
  • Heat 1   thru  heat 4

        If you place 1st you will move up to faster group

        If you place last you will drop to the next lower group.

  • Finial Heats:

        Top 6 will race in Group A

        All others will race in Group B

• Racers unable to complete the race due to driver error, collision, battery voltage, or mechanical failure will notify track helpers. If cars are unable to continue they will be placed off the track so as not to interfere with other racers by the track personal.


15 minutes between heats.  When it is your turn to run you must be on drivers stand ready to start.  Race will start when time is called. 

      4 Wheel Drive

            Broken into 3 heats depending on qualifying times

      2 Wheel Drive

            May be broken into 2 heats depending on amount of entries


Division 1:

o 30 points will be awarded for 1st place

o 25 points will be awarded for 2nd

o 20 points will be awarded for 3nd

o 15 points will be awarded for 4th      

o 10 points will be awarded for 5th

o 5 points will be awarded for All other drivers

Division 2:

o 25 points will be awarded for 1st      

o 20 points will be awarded for 2nd

o 15 points will be awarded for 3rd

o 10 points will be awarded for 3rd      

o 5 points will be awarded for all other drivers

Division 3:

o 20 points will be awarded for 1st      

o 15 points will be awarded for 2nd

o 10 points will be awarded for 3rd      

o 5 points will be awarded for all other drivers

Final Heat:  “A”

o First – 35 points

o Second – 30 points

o Third – 25 points

o Forth – 20 points

o Fifth – 15 points

o Sixth – 10 points

Final Heat:  “B”

o First – 30 points

o Second – 25 points

o Third – 20 points

o Forth – 15 points

o Fifth – 10 points

o Rest – 5 points

Racing Schedule:

Qualifying   10:30 to 11:30

Drivers Meeting: 11:30 to 11:45

Heat 1A   12:00

Heat 2A   12:15

Heat 2C   12:30

Heat 2A   12:45

Heat 2B    1:00

Heat 2C    1:15

Heat 3A    1:30

Heat 3B    1:45

Heat 3C    2:00

Heat 4A    2:15

Heat 4B    2:30

Heat 4C    2:45

Finals Heat 1  Group A  3:00

Finals Heat 2  Group B  3:15

Yearly totals:

All driver point will be totaled and posted each month on the clubs website. For monthly totals any drivers that can not attend that months event will have a zero placed in the score sheet.